a blink of the eyes and almost one month is gone from the new year

time does fly! soon we'll be ushering into another year.

in about 30 mins time, my most hated festival of the year is goona arrive.
i hate chinese new year.
i really do.

it's just like forced networking.

because of chinese new year. i just spent three hours botox-ing my room.

its wrinkle-free now. without all the stuff that were seen in the pic from a previous post.

my room is so clean now. but i bet it wont be abt 2 weeks later.

alright. hopefully i get more ang baos this year.

just came back from lunch hour.

and was talking to yong wen, who's just about the blondest of all guys i know.

well basically, he's looking for a job on jobscentral and all.
and came across this.

"Salary: Neg"

so the convy went like this.

"-[ yoNg weN ]- ™ says:
wad does neg stand for

-[ yoNg weN ]- ™ says:
omg? negligible?

-[ yoNg weN ]- ™ says:
omg omg eeee they vvv jian

-[ yoNg weN ]- ™ says:
think we cheap labour sia

I say:
negotiable la dumb blonde"

hopefully this brightened up your afternoon too! =)


2009 came and for one lucky bastard, he got a new handphone.
he either sold it for cash or he is using it himself.

if he sold it for cash,
i hope he gets appendicitis when he buys food to eat with that money.
go to the hospital, enter surgery and ends up having a complication.
spending 10k in the hospital.

if he is using it himself,
i hope the phone gets overheated and explodes in his ear when he's talking on the phone.
and make him permanently deaf.
if he becomes blind, even better.
so he can no longer prey on people's property.

ok after cursing that guy,
i must say its my mistake i allowed him to get tempted to steal my phone.
my 4 month old E71 got stolen when I was playing badminton.
my unattentiveness and assumption that all singaporeans are kind creatures made it a wonderful place for theives to flourish.

and so i'm stuck with my brother's old phone.
but not for long. i hope.

that happened on the 3rd day of the new year.
wad a great start.

nothing much else to update except haosiang's birthday!
happy 21st!
really good to meet up with pple whom are more busy at the moment.
like maurice and andrew chua.

i've started packing my room for CNY.
2 hours in and i realise i have tonnes of O and A level notes.
i just can't bear to throw them away.
i just hope they mysteriously disappear.

my mum's gonna scream tmr when she enters my room and sees this.

i probably need about 1 more week b4 my room is nice and clean.

packing up is a mega bitch.

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