two more freaking days.

over e course of 2 days (well actually 2 weeks), with the exception of going back into camp for a day...
i've went to everywhere to taste or feel my favourites b4 i might have to give them up for a few weeks.

or even months.
Plaza Sing's Indonesian BBQ fish set... =)
Le Meridian's BiBimBap... =)
etc. etc.

haha... it feels so good to be out of camp.
tt i dont have to worry about wad time to fall asleep or wad time i wake up.
but i guess i better revert to a more normal body clock b4 i go bonkers.

everything's on my mind.
just cant get so much out.
i've no idea why this is happening.

i've apparently got a 1:100000 chance of dying on the metal table this friday due to anesthesia allergy.
but again someone just told me today that i have a 1:100000000000000 chance of dying crossing roads everyday, so its a fallacy.
haha. its so funny eh!

cant wait till i'm healthy and kicking away again.

but shld i really die.
i'll be so sad cause i've soooo much to tell everyone, esp a few.

argh. LOL.
its called e being-a-drama-queen-before-an-operation syndrome.



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