the Maris Stella Symphonic Band Alumni added another gold to our collection.

i think we did well! haha...
managed another gold.
we should be proud of it.
especially when we never tried to emotionally blackmail our competitors using perfectly ridiculous reasons.

we played fair and square and we should be proud of that.

but it was soooo bitter sweet.
it had been such a long and tedious route.
every step of the way, it seems like we're only worrying abt music.
but thats so not true.

people have been trying to trip us on the way with stones.
its getting so frustrating for us to deal with:-

1. music.
2. bitches.

wait a minute.
maybe point number two should be a singular noun.
that bitch.
why can't we enjoy the process of music making and skip the back-stabbing part.

its nice to watch on tv (aka survivor) but definitely not nice in real life.
ain't our purpose to make good music?

enough of that bitch.

with that in mind,
let's work hard and charge forward!



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