with the competitions draw even closer.

currently, i am

1. EXTREMELY sleep deprived.
2. a little excited.
3. VERY nervous
4. quite angry

its barely 3 days away!
heard some stupid news about some old baby was whining about something that the rules allowed.
well, since the rules allowed it, maybe u should just choke on your milk and shut the hell up.

a new template.
looks good eh! haha...
have been wanting to change it for so long.
finally i see something i kind of like.

i'm trying very very hard to think abt the last experience at NBC 2006.
but realised i couldnt remember anything except the cheering at the end!

haha. and i can't wait to experience it again.
if we can.

i can't wait for this sunday to come.
i honestly just want to get it over and done with and give the best i can.
its really tough juggling so many things at one go.
i wonder how people can do one million things at a time.

i just want everything to be over soon.

oh. and more sleep. much more sleep. =)


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